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Explore a vast and engaging world filled with monsters, both literally and metaphorically. With a grand plan for 9 regions with reasons to go back to each of them, as you progress through the game. Meet a cast of side characters based off supporters of the project, and uncover the mysteries that the powers that be don't want you to know.

Make your own party out of the 10 party members with their own unique and interesting styles from buffing allies, debuffing enemies, or even unleashing devastating attacks.

Use and combine the elements though Petra to take down even the toughest enemies. Coordinate party members skills to set up extraordinary combos.

Easy to grasp, yet complex mechanics that only benefit the more you understand and invest. From combat, to harvesting and crafting to be the best you can be.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 17 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorRocker Virus
GenreRole Playing

Development log